Apple's New Commercial and my thoughts

Earlier this week Apple realized a new commercial for the iPhone Xr. This commercial whole point was to show off the battery on the new iPhone. It did this by using four ordinary adults at work and home. Each of these people had there iPhone's playing while they started to fall asleep and had the slogan your phone will last longer then you. They showed off many features of the new iPhone even though this commercial was used to mainly show off the new battery. It showed off the new resolution on the screen, the new colors of the iPhone from red, blue, and pure white, to the apps supported by this phone. They used many camera angles to show of the size of the phone as well as the people around it. The music in the background was almost like a lullaby to support the idea that the phone will last longer then you. They also used actors from multiple races and family watching show this product is for everyone.
Image result for iphone xr
To me as an Apple owner I like this ad because I feel that my iPhone 8 is never charged and that  it always has to be on the charger. With them also showing off the new colors enticing me to look at this product as a new purchase.Some things I don't like about this commercial is how Apple has been known for slowing down past battery life and that maybe they will just slow down past phones again to make us buy this one. As well as how it is almost is kinda creepy like and how well your sleeping that phone is still active and can watch you or more. All together I think this was an okay ad and accomplished what it set ought to do.


  1. I agree with you on how effective Apple advertisements are. Even for someone like me who has an iphone SE. Whenever I see those ads on TV, I'm always tempted to get an upgrade. However, I always tell myself in the back of my head that the new model will get old a year after its release. This has always prevented me from buying a new iphone. I also agree with you on how Apple utilizes perfect patterns of colors and camera angles in order to glorify the new iphone model. They also use the bandwagon fallacy because there's a whole community behind Apple products that always get the new products from Apple no matter what it is.


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